The world is starting to sit up and pay attention to the state of the planet, and as consumers look for more and more ways to do their part, companies are hearing their demands for more eco-friendly products and innovations.
Most of these have to do with reducing our need for electricity, gas, and other harmful energy sources, and it seems there are now more ways than ever to do that.
The world of eco technology has been booming and there are some truly amazing things coming for the future of this industry that are worth learning about.
With the help of these innovations, it’s easier for the everyday person and the global corporation alike to make a difference and reduce their carbon footprint, and they only seem to get more impressive as the years go on.
What are some of the latest eco technologies that could change the world?
In recent years, some of the most exciting developments in eco technology include home energy monitors, geothermal heat pumps, and electricity-generating floorboards.
These are just a fraction of the innovations that are set to change the world, and each with the goal of reducing our carbon footprint by putting less of a strain on the planet with our energy choices.
If you’re interested in seeing what’s coming next for the world, and the ways that our best minds are working towards a more sustainable way of living, this list is for you. we’ve compiled some of the coolest eco technology developments in recent years, and exactly how they can help our planet and its inhabitants.
The Latest Eco Technologies Set to Change the World
Eco technologies are invented with the goal of reducing our reliance on the planet and also our impact on it. Whether this is with new energy sources or different ways of doing things that we’ve done in the past, there are so many game-changers in this field.
We’ve counted down some of the most exciting eco techs in the last few years and planned for the future so you can see what’s possible.
#1 Geothermal Heat Pump
The geothermal heat pump isn’t necessarily a new item but the way it’s being developed and improved for everyday domestic use is.
These heat pumps are designed specifically to help reduce heating and cooling costs in the home, which is where a large chunk of our energy use can go towards.
A geothermal heat pump is a complex device, but at its most basic, it works like a heat exchange apparatus, retrieving heat from under the ground and pumping it into our homes.
This natural method for HVAC can save a lot of money and energy in the average household, and although it costs a bit to have installed, it will end up paying for itself in just a few short years.
#2 Electricity Generating Floorboards
One of the coolest eco technologies emerging is one that uses our own natural movements and energy to turn into electricity, without us having to do anything outside of our usual routine.
Developers at the University of Wisconsin Madison have created wooden floorboards that can generate electricity, and they do so whenever someone walks on them.
Unlike other new types of eco tech, they’re also incredibly cheap to create and are made from wood pulp which makes them a recycled source in themselves.
Having these installed in your house could generate enough electricity to power your everyday household items without having to rely on electricity off the grid. Better still, you don’t have to do anything for them to walk, as your usual footsteps will do the job for you.
#3 Wind Turbines
Wind turbines have long been used as a natural and renewable way to harness energy, and are remarkable at gathering a lot of energy without relying on electricity off the grid.
However, some people who live near these farms claimed they were an eyesore or too noisy, and so their development has slowed down somewhat, especially in rural areas.
Enter the new age of wind turbines, designed to be durable yet quiet and visually pleasing, so that both sides of the argument could be happy.
The Tree Vent is one such product and it’s built to look like a tree, as its name suggests, and it does a mighty powerful job of harnessing the wind’s energy to be used as a power source.
These turbines resemble something you might see in a child’s playground, so they could be used in rural areas where you usually wouldn’t find a wind farm, making the possibilities endless.
#4 Biodegradable Goods
There’s no denying that plastic has a lot to answer for when it comes to things that aren’t environmentally friendly, and it’s been one of the biggest issues eve in the average household’s battle to be more green.
Try as we might to reduce how much we use, it seems that it isn’t helping, so our innovative minds have come up with other ways to lessen its effects and turn these everyday items into more earth-friendly versions of themselves.
Some developers are trying to create biodegradable options instead, which means even if the plastic found its way into the ocean or landfills, it would easily break down and even be edible to these marine animals.
This includes everyday objects like the plastic rings that hold cans together, which would become a healthy and safe snack for turtles and other marine wildlife to enjoy.
#5 Solar Smartflower
The solar-powered Smarflower is an expensive but impressive way to get free energy from the sun, with a price tag of around $25,000. The Smartflower is shaped like a flower itself, and when it wakes up in the morning with the sun, it unfolds and gets ready for its journey.
Throughout the day, the flower moves with the movement of the sun, so that it’s always capturing the most radiation and rays, to provide your home with the most energy.
Although expensive, it will pay for itself eventually, and you’ll get the joy of looking at one of the coolest solar devices yet to be created. With far more efficient solar capabilities than a regular panel, this is looking to be the way for the future for personal and domestic renewable energy options.
#6 Eco-Friendly Funerals
There are now ways that you can be eco-friendly beyond the grave, with many people already opting for these greener types of burials.
Eco-friendly funerals are those that get rid of the old coffins and instead bury people in biodegradable pods, with lots of benefits for the planet and some for your family as well.
Although it sounds unusual and highly futuristic, it’s a great way to reduce raw materials, as well as provide a natural way to deliver nutrients back to the earth when you’re gone.
Another upside is that when your loved ones want to come and visit your burial site, they’ll be greeted with trees and forests that you have helped grow so it’s a beautiful concept to consider.
#7: Vertical Farming
One of the biggest issues the planet faces is not having enough viable land to enable us to keep farming the way we have been.
Indoor farming or “vertical farming” has enabled us to come up with a more environmentally friendly way to produce fresh food, as this process doesn’t give off any pollutants or burnt fossil fuels in the process.
Because they’re located indoors, they can be built anywhere, and this way of farming reduces the number of pesticides and water needed to grow the goods.
Better still, it is capable of producing crops all year round and not just in the good seasons, so it’s highly efficient. Many of these farms have been set up in empty buildings around cities, and it’s a great way to reuse space that was only being taken up by abandoned structures.
#8 Home Energy Monitor
Being responsible for our energy use is one of the biggest parts of being eco-friendly, and the one that can have the most impact if we all get on board.
A home energy monitor enables you to do that on the next level by keeping track of how your home is using its energy and where you might be able to make some changes.
A home energy monitor can be as simple or complex as you like, with some of the bigger brands coming out with their own version.
One of these monitors can be plugged into an outlet at home and it can give you a full analysis, even pinpointing the exact outlet that is using the most power at home. By keeping an eye on your household you’ll know that you’re doing everything you can to cut down on unnecessary energy usage.
#9: Solar Roof Tiles
Tesla has been at the forefront of many eco-friendly innovations in recent years, but none as impressive as their solar roof tiles.
While many people weigh up whether or not to install solar panels due to the eyesore status they hold, Tesla has invented a discrete solar roof that works even more efficiently than the panels.
These solar roof tiles look like stone or clay and fit in seamlessly with your house, so there are no more excuses about not wanting the large solar panels to detract from your aesthetics.
Better still, they cost less than a normal roof, so there’s no incentive to go any other way. Tesla has found a way for everyday people to make an impact without any inconvenience caused to themselves, which is what every good eco technology should do.
#10 Water Efficient Toilets
While it might not necessarily be new nor technical, something as simple as installing a dual flush toilet in your home can have huge benefits for the environment.
It’s estimated that almost a third of a household water bill comes from the toilet alone and using a full flush of water each time only exasperates the problem.
The dual flush toilet was invented to give you a way to reduce this water usage by half, and still allow you to wash down the waste in the toilet. If you want to take things further, you might invest in a composting or dry toilet, which uses no or very little water at all.
The waste is transported down through a channel where it’s composted and comes out the other side, giving you a much greener way to use the bathroom.
#11: Biodegradable Bullets
War is never good for anyone, but one of the forgotten victims of these harrowing events happens to be the planet.
During times of war and civil unrest where guns are used, the bullets left behind can have devastating effects, most importantly a buildup of toxic metals that can lead to medical issues, and the killing of local animals and wildlife.
This recent idea by the US Army seeks to stop all that, with the invention of biodegradable bullets. These bullets will be made from materials that are just as strong as those used in regular bullets but able to decompose over time so they don’t have any lasting impact on the environment.
A further suggestion regarded whether the bullets could have seeds within them, so when they do break down, the seeds make their way to the soil below and end up becoming plants.
#12 Sea Trash Nets
Sometimes eco technology doesn’t have to be about computer chips and out-there scientific discoveries, but just a simple idea made on a larger scale.
The marine trash vortice was designed specifically for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where there’s a record number of plastics and nonbiodegradable materials floating around.
This large, industrial net is attached to sea vessels that travel in the ocean and helps to do a giant sweep of the materials left behind. It works similarly to a marine stinger net or one that keeps the lanes of the pool in order, with floating parts holding it above the water.
According to their estimations, this can clean up at least half of the junk found in the Garbage Patch in the next five years, which will have huge benefits for the local marine life.
#13: Pollution Reducing Chimneys
In the past, it was chimneys responsible for spewing pollutants into the air and doing damage, but it seems this is about to be reversed.
A 200-foot chimney in Xi’an, China has been developed to help reduce pollution in the country, and it does so with the use of solar heating, signaling major changes for the way that our largest cities deal with the problem of pollution.
The revolutionary chimney draws in pollution particles at the base and then filters them as they work their way through it before releasing them again at the top in a much cleaner format.
This design works on filtering particles less than 2.5 micrometers and although there’s only one in place now, the plans to have them all through the city and the world is an exciting prospect.
Related Questions
Technological and scientific developments have enabled some of our top minds to come up with new and exciting ways to save the planet, and luckily for us, we can benefit from them also.
If you have more questions about eco technology and other related products, we’ve answered some commonly asked questions on the topic to give you a push in the right direction.
What is the Energy Star Rating?
An Energy Star rating can be found on most modern appliances and white goods as a way to inform the consumer about that particular product’s energy efficiency status.
These are usually advertised in the form of a star rating, with the more stars an appliance has, the less energy used on an average cycle and the better it is for the environment.
What Fabric is Most Eco Friendly?
If you’re trying to make a difference at home and switch to environmentally friendly technology and products, shopping only for eco-friendly fabrics is a good place to start.
The most environmentally conscious fabric choices are hemp, silk, linen, organic cotton, and Lenzing Tencel, so choose these where possible.
How Does Inverter Technology Save Power?
Appliances that use inverter technology can run at an optimum speed based on current conditions so they don’t waste excess electricity by running at full power and speed always.
An example of this is a washing machine that only washes clothes with settings that suit what is inside of it, rather than doing a full load when it’s not required.